Este é um Blog onde eu publico diariamente as minhas newsletters.Não sou um grande leitor ,mas gosto de quando em quando sentar - me numa cadeira e ver se o que dizem nas televisões é a mesma verdade que dizem nos jornais.Dá que pensar ....não???!!!
November 10, 2014
"The Wendy Williams Show" is back for a sixth season, but that's not all Wendy is up to these days. She joins HuffPost Live to tell us about performing standup comedy, hosting the Soul Train Awards and executive producing the Aaliyah biopic.
Rhea Perlman, four-time Emmy winner and former "Cheers" star, is back in-studio to discuss her current projects, including her role in this season of "The Mindy Project."
New York Congressman Charles Rangel joins Marc to talk about winning by a landslide in this year's midterm elections and what he hopes to see in Congress given the Republican majority.
Blue Traveler frontman and harmonica star John Popper stops by HuffPost Live to discuss the Wall Street Rocks benefit concert, which takes place November 10 in New York. He'll also dish on what's next in his musical career.
Friday's Best
Jeff Daniels opens up about the criticism of his HBO show "The Newsroom," and argues it stems from the public's "impossible" expectations for the show's writer, Aaron Sorkin.
Journalist Matt Taibbi and JPMorgan Chase whistleblower Alayne Fleischmann join Alyona to discuss Taibbi's explosive new piece in Rolling Stone Magazine.
Dr. Jeffrey Sachs talks to HuffPost Live about America's wealth disparity.
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